Energy Audit - in a nutshell
What is an energy audit?
An energy audit is a systematic analysis of energy flows in a company, in order to understand energy consumption and losses. Such an assessment will also point to energy savings potential and costs associated with energy the use. Energy audits are also performed for buildings (residential/non-residential).
In Europe, article 8 of the European Energy Directive (EED, 2012/27/EU) defines the requirements for an energy audit to be performed companies. An energy audit is mandatory every four years for firms considered non-SME. Exemptions apply to companies that have implemented an energy management system according to ISO 50001, or that have an environmental management system according to EMAS.
The role of the auditors
As part of the energy audit, external and accredited energy consultants ("auditors") review the energy consumption of the respective companies. The energy audit thus represents an important instrument for individual companies as well as for the economy as a whole to advance the issues of energy efficiency and cost savings.
Goals of an energy audit
In an industrial-level energy audit all relevant energy consumption is measured and assessed: energy supply and consumption are measured and consolidated in an energy balance. This analysis is the basis for identifying energy reduction potentials and developing measures to reduce energy consumption.
Typically an energy flow diagram is set up. This diagram typically is a visualization of fuels used and their use broken down to sectors of the company, buildings, equipment/Machines.
Energy flow diagrams are a special type of Sankey diagram.
Our Sankey diagram software
The software e!Sankey is ideally used to create energy flow diagrams within the framework of an energy audit being performed.
Process nodes and arrows can be drawn quickly and easily, energy types can be defined, and energy flows to the consuming sections of the shop floor or equipment are visualized using different colors. The exact width of the arrows (energy flows) is drawn automatically and to scale by the software.
e!Sankey has numerous features for creating energy flow diagrams (Sankey diagrams) and many options for the layout.
Not only will the external energy auditor appreciate it when a company uses state-of-art visualization techniques. Sankey diagrams are also a great tool for communication within the compnay itself and when discussing energy savings and improvement potentials. Energy consultants advising companies have long been using them in their work.